Tuesday, July 21, 2020

The Blue Wishing Ring Story

Hello, everyone! COVID-19 stay home! Once upon a time in a small town, there lived a young man, named Mineco. Being extremely unfortunately in life, he had only one hen which he had brought upon the meager feed. You'd better stay laying egg fast, then I'll get rich and marry the Princess. Beautifull Luccia
Mineco thinks that: what's do you know I could get lucky! Mineco deeply in love with Princess Lucia and had put all hope of getting rich with his little hen. But as time past, the hen didn't lay any eggs which annoy Mineco.
Mineco thinks that: I have finished all the money and this silly hen hasn't laid one egg! Suddenly, the hen 's feather magically turned Blue.
Mineco said that: what's happening to you!
Mineco, although extremely shocked was still a hungry man and his mind worked fast. A blue hen!

Mineco said that: Anyone! would buy this seeing how strange it is, I will get supper if I sell it. So he took the hen to the market and showed it around eagerly. Thinking it would sell fast. But the people thought that was too strange and were afraid to buy it. Mineco said that why isn't anyone coming! 
Magical Blue Hen for sale!!
The customer said that: Sweetheart! Should we buy it?
Sweetheart: It's blue! what's if it lays blue eggs!
Husband: turn us blue. You're right! Let's not buy it. 
Let's join the content and watch cartoons together The Bue Wishing Ring Story

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