Monday, July 6, 2020

The production from palm tree

Hello, everyone! COVID-19 stay home! The production from the palm tree was supplied for the Cambodian people. Cambodia people had token the palm tree to cut so that they recycle the using material like that pot, cup, dish, fork, spoon, and souvernir...etc. It's a factory of San Pov who is in Bound Cheark village, Bound Bot Kondol commune, Bakan district, Pusat province.  All production from the essence palm tree that is an old palm tree. These are the production of Khmer material of using.
ប្រជាជនបានយកត្នោតមកពុះជ្រាកលៃឆ្នៃបង្កេីតជាឧបករណប្រេីប្រាស់និងជាវត្ថុអនុស្សាវរីយ ឧបករណទាំងនេះធ្វេីពីខ្លឹមត្នោត ត្នោតចាស់ទេីបផលិតជារបស់ប្រាស់បាន។ នេះចាផលិតផលរបស់ខ្មែរ។

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