Monday, July 27, 2020

BanLeab HD

Hello, everyone! COVID-19 stay home! BanLeap HD channel is one channel for Khmer people who have been watching the Khmer traditional music when they had always celebrated a wedding, party, and making a new house.
For this reason, they had gone to ren the BanLeap music HD music to play for congratulation the gests

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

The Blue Wishing Ring Story

Hello, everyone! COVID-19 stay home! Once upon a time in a small town, there lived a young man, named Mineco. Being extremely unfortunately in life, he had only one hen which he had brought upon the meager feed. You'd better stay laying egg fast, then I'll get rich and marry the Princess. Beautifull Luccia
Mineco thinks that: what's do you know I could get lucky! Mineco deeply in love with Princess Lucia and had put all hope of getting rich with his little hen. But as time past, the hen didn't lay any eggs which annoy Mineco.
Mineco thinks that: I have finished all the money and this silly hen hasn't laid one egg! Suddenly, the hen 's feather magically turned Blue.
Mineco said that: what's happening to you!
Mineco, although extremely shocked was still a hungry man and his mind worked fast. A blue hen!

Mineco said that: Anyone! would buy this seeing how strange it is, I will get supper if I sell it. So he took the hen to the market and showed it around eagerly. Thinking it would sell fast. But the people thought that was too strange and were afraid to buy it. Mineco said that why isn't anyone coming! 
Magical Blue Hen for sale!!
The customer said that: Sweetheart! Should we buy it?
Sweetheart: It's blue! what's if it lays blue eggs!
Husband: turn us blue. You're right! Let's not buy it. 
Let's join the content and watch cartoons together The Bue Wishing Ring Story

Friday, July 17, 2020

Khmer cartoon 01

Hello everyone! Cartoon education was created by Khmer people and speaking the Khmer language. Once upon the time, have one rich family lives with one groom, but with their village has one poor family with one bride, also.

One day, the father of poor families hadn't had an ax for cutting wood in the forest. He had decided to borrow the rich family when he had been cutting the woods. The ax had failed to beef that it had been running to the forest. For this reason, an ax was lost in the animal forest that the rich family had been angry about. The rich family hadn't agreed by the poor families who had bought an ax instead of old ax. But the rich families had agreed to take a bride of poor family to work and serve at the rich family. One day, the groom of a rich family hungry the rice food but they hadn't had a land pot for cooking, for this reason, they had borrowed it from the poor family then the dog had run into the land pot fain on the grown make to breaking. For this reason, make two families hadn't agreed to join the king for a solution.

The king had made the decision that takes the bride of the poor family married with the groom of the rich family. They had agreed and celebrated the wedding and happy.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Khmer Song 01

COVID-19 stay home! Today I shared the beautiful Khmer song for the world. For Cambodian people, this song was celebrated when the they made the wedding between the bride, groom, and quest to have arrived at the party. This music group was played for guests listen in celebrating. At this time, we haven't many weddings because of COVID-19, but some people made a small wedding and a little people for making a wedding for participating.

Lets' join and happy. I shared the Khmer tradition to the world so that the people of world have known about Cambodia. I post this content because this channel has famous music in Cambodian people, also. This channel has a monetization that has 446k subscribers.

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Best of African animal

Hello, everyone! Welcome to BBC Earth! the work is an amazing place full of story, beauty, and natural wonder here you'll find 50 years of entertaining and though-provoking nature history content. Dramatic, rare, and exclusive, nature doesn't get more exciting than this. African animal
It educates us and continually reminds us how precious our planet is and how all of its species are so important to its well-being. A little known fact, Attenborough not only nature but also write the scrips on all these BBC productions.   

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Khmer artist for children's organization

Hello, everyone! COVID-19 stay home! many images have been showing us. It's a student and teacher's owner that they have touch and studied about it. The teacher Prom Vichet of the artist has touched for a long time in Phnom Penh. If the student want to study the skill of the artist, they can join to learn it for free because this school was supporting the Khmer artist for children's organization. Not only the teacher Prom Vichet in this school but also many teachers has been teaching the student.
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Monday, July 6, 2020

The production from palm tree

Hello, everyone! COVID-19 stay home! The production from the palm tree was supplied for the Cambodian people. Cambodia people had token the palm tree to cut so that they recycle the using material like that pot, cup, dish, fork, spoon, and souvernir...etc. It's a factory of San Pov who is in Bound Cheark village, Bound Bot Kondol commune, Bakan district, Pusat province.  All production from the essence palm tree that is an old palm tree. These are the production of Khmer material of using.
ប្រជាជនបានយកត្នោតមកពុះជ្រាកលៃឆ្នៃបង្កេីតជាឧបករណប្រេីប្រាស់និងជាវត្ថុអនុស្សាវរីយ ឧបករណទាំងនេះធ្វេីពីខ្លឹមត្នោត ត្នោតចាស់ទេីបផលិតជារបស់ប្រាស់បាន។ នេះចាផលិតផលរបស់ខ្មែរ។

Friday, July 3, 2020

How to make bamboo kiosk

Hello, everyone! COVID-19 stay home! Today I want to show you about bamboo kiosk. Many bamboos have been growing in Cambodia local. Cambodia people have had a bamboo farm so that they will have taken it to make material fro using like that kiosk, basket,..etc. Up to the present, Bamboo farmers have had an idea corner to create kiosk because the people need many bamboos kiosk to use it in living daily. 
ប្រទេសកម្ពុជាយេី្មានដុះដេីមរឹសសីសឹងគ្រប់តំបន់ទៅហេីយ បងប្អូនប្រជាពលរដ្ធខ្មែរ តែងតែមានចំការរឹសស្សីតូចធំសំរាប់កែឆ្នៃរជារបស់ផ្សេងៗ ដូចជាកញ្ចែង ល្អី ទ្រូ និងខ្ទនរឹស្សី ជាដេីម ។ដែលគេហៅថា កញ្ចុះ ពេលសិប្បករបានកែរឆ្នៃ ប្រឌិត ជាខ្ទមរឹស្សីសំរាប់ផ្គត់ផ្គងតំរូវការបស់បងប្អូនប្រជាជន។ 

Thursday, July 2, 2020

The notion of Monthong durian fruit

Hello, everyone! the durian fruit was at the Memot district, Kompong Cham province. Today the farmer wants to show everyone about the color of Monthong durian while the durian fruit was made by nature system for this reason as a result this durian fruits will become gold color. Cambodia people have always said that "Monthong" means that the resource of the color gold.

All people used to eat the durian of Monthong fruit is the color gold like the picture above. All his durian fruit has produced for 5 years. He has always received massive income.     

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

How to make khmer bamboo basket

Hello, evryone! while we came from Phnom Penh hospita to Kompong Chnang about 80 kilometer on the road of number 5. We will arrive in the Teck Chan commune, Chearng Kreav distric that Khmer people make a bamboo basket after they had already producted the rice. We know that mnay locals that was made the bamboo basket in Cambodia
For the first time, Cambodia people made it for living only, Then up to the present many people will be wanted to use it so that they have used it the popularly. all home we had seen them has been making the bamboo basket Likes that, old, young, men, women people they have known how to make the bamboo basket.
Among their family, has Mrs. Phanary and her husband after we had inspected the production, have actually skilled this occupation. Mrs. Phanary said that up to the present, all people here have made this Khmer basket for a long time.