Monday, December 28, 2020

COVID-19 update

Hello, everyone! COVID-19 stay home and wash the hands many times per day! We try to forget the COVID-19, but COVID-19 hasn't forgotten us, yet. Up to the present, the cases of COVID-19 has been increasing daily. We can make a small business near home and stay home to happy with the music below. 

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Stay home and happy with khmer music by COVID-19

 Hello, everyone! COVID-19 stay home and wash the hand many times per day! by the announcement show that the case of COVID-19 is increasing bout more 78 million people, about the number of died is about 1,72 million people, however, the patient has been recovering the number of 55 million people. This data makes us worry about our living daily in the future, for this reason, we need to stay home to work online in the seat of going out unless. We can create the meeting room online, buy food,..etc.

Now I recommend everyone to join my blogger to work at home and happy with my music below instead of sad about something. 

Cambodia people had already known about COVID-19, also because these meeting has never been a lot of people that the distance between each other about 1,5 meter.  About weddings in Cambodia, they have celebrated, but not a lot of guests participate in it. 

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Best Ever Food Review Show

Hello, everyone! COVID-19 stay home! Today I want to show the new channel that shows about traveling, food the name of the channel is the Best Ever Food Review Show. This channel is one channel of famous, also has 5.36 M subscribers, had joined YouTube on September 23, 2010. Up to the present, the total of view has 889,436,194 views this data is hight, also. If you want to know about the feature of this channel, you can view my screen below

  some content made food for delicious, The lasted posted they go to the market and buy the fish by ride the bicycle then take it to the beach and cooking. Let's view the video below
Finally, after we have already viewed this channel makes us travail with them and happy with many places that had recorded there. thanks

Monday, July 27, 2020

BanLeab HD

Hello, everyone! COVID-19 stay home! BanLeap HD channel is one channel for Khmer people who have been watching the Khmer traditional music when they had always celebrated a wedding, party, and making a new house.
For this reason, they had gone to ren the BanLeap music HD music to play for congratulation the gests

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

The Blue Wishing Ring Story

Hello, everyone! COVID-19 stay home! Once upon a time in a small town, there lived a young man, named Mineco. Being extremely unfortunately in life, he had only one hen which he had brought upon the meager feed. You'd better stay laying egg fast, then I'll get rich and marry the Princess. Beautifull Luccia
Mineco thinks that: what's do you know I could get lucky! Mineco deeply in love with Princess Lucia and had put all hope of getting rich with his little hen. But as time past, the hen didn't lay any eggs which annoy Mineco.
Mineco thinks that: I have finished all the money and this silly hen hasn't laid one egg! Suddenly, the hen 's feather magically turned Blue.
Mineco said that: what's happening to you!
Mineco, although extremely shocked was still a hungry man and his mind worked fast. A blue hen!

Mineco said that: Anyone! would buy this seeing how strange it is, I will get supper if I sell it. So he took the hen to the market and showed it around eagerly. Thinking it would sell fast. But the people thought that was too strange and were afraid to buy it. Mineco said that why isn't anyone coming! 
Magical Blue Hen for sale!!
The customer said that: Sweetheart! Should we buy it?
Sweetheart: It's blue! what's if it lays blue eggs!
Husband: turn us blue. You're right! Let's not buy it. 
Let's join the content and watch cartoons together The Bue Wishing Ring Story

Friday, July 17, 2020

Khmer cartoon 01

Hello everyone! Cartoon education was created by Khmer people and speaking the Khmer language. Once upon the time, have one rich family lives with one groom, but with their village has one poor family with one bride, also.

One day, the father of poor families hadn't had an ax for cutting wood in the forest. He had decided to borrow the rich family when he had been cutting the woods. The ax had failed to beef that it had been running to the forest. For this reason, an ax was lost in the animal forest that the rich family had been angry about. The rich family hadn't agreed by the poor families who had bought an ax instead of old ax. But the rich families had agreed to take a bride of poor family to work and serve at the rich family. One day, the groom of a rich family hungry the rice food but they hadn't had a land pot for cooking, for this reason, they had borrowed it from the poor family then the dog had run into the land pot fain on the grown make to breaking. For this reason, make two families hadn't agreed to join the king for a solution.

The king had made the decision that takes the bride of the poor family married with the groom of the rich family. They had agreed and celebrated the wedding and happy.